Just Because
Poetic Pinks
Floral Arrangement
Elegance has never looked so good! With lovely ranunculus, roses, carnations, and more, all in beautiful shades of pink, Poetic Pinks is a graceful and delicate mix. This tasteful arrangement is perfect for the pink lover in your life!
*Please note the bouquet pictured reflects an original design. If the exact flowers or container in this arrangement are not available, our local florists will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers.
Shown at $100.00
Pebble Stone Vase, Dusty Miller, Genestra, Bicolored Pinkpurple Carnations, Pink Hypericum , Light Pink Ranunculus , Light Pink Roses, Light Pink Spray Roses.
Elegance has never looked so good! With lovely ranunculus, roses, carnations, and more, all in beautiful shades of pink, Poetic Pinks is a graceful and delicate mix. This tasteful arrangement is perfect for the pink lover in your life!
*Please note the bouquet pictured reflects an original design. If the exact flowers or container in this arrangement are not available, our local florists will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers.
Shown at $100.00
Shown at $100.00
Pebble Stone Vase, Dusty Miller, Genestra, Bicolored Pinkpurple Carnations, Pink Hypericum , Light Pink Ranunculus , Light Pink Roses, Light Pink Spray Roses.
Elegance has never looked so good! With lovely ranunculus, roses, carnations, and more, all in beautiful shades of pink, Poetic Pinks is a graceful and delicate mix. This tasteful arrangement is perfect for the pink lover in your life!
*Please note the bouquet pictured reflects an original design. If the exact flowers or container in this arrangement are not available, our local florists will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers.
Shown at $100.00
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.
THE FLOWER BASKET in Liberal has floral arrangements and gifts perfect for any special occasion, but sometimes you don't need a reason to remind someone you care. That's why we think "just because" is one of the best reasons to say: "Thank you," "I'm sorry," "I love you," "Hope you're having a good day," "Good luck," "Congratulations," "I miss you," "I wish I could be there," or "Forgive me." Browse our selection and order online or call us to place an order "just because!"